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Viburnum Tinus Gwenllian 4.5 Litre


Viburnums are a medium sized evergreen shrub that provides your garden with all year-round colours. Flowering from the late winter with a cluster of fragrant starry white flowers through to spring which is followed on by berries that take a metallic blue colour in the autumn, providing songbirds with a vital food source. As more people are moving away from Buxus bushes due to their pests and diseases this is a brilliant alternative as Viburnum will grow in almost any type of soil, with a very wide variety of exposure ranging from full sun to almost full shade, providing that there is ample drainage. Another notable feature about Viburnum is that as British winters are getting colder, and our summers are getting warmer this cultivar will manage almost any weather conditions. Potential height is 2.5m with a spread of 2.5m
  • 4.5 Litre pot
  • Frost hardy
  • All year colour
  • Potential height 2.5m
  • Potential spread 2.5m
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