Onion Set Electric (overwinter Red) - 100 Bulbs


Onion Set Electric (overwinter Red) has red tinged skin and has superb flavour with good keeping qualities if stored correctly. This heavy yielding and delicious when cooked is an overwintering onion type if you can’t wait to get your veggies in the ground. Typically lasting from 6-9 months when set up properly. Unlike other over wintering onions, Red winter is best planted between Mid-September and Late October or as the climate changes as the soil temperature beings to drop. Plant in a fertile well drained soil in a full sun position as onions will flower if their requirements are not met and you want to pull out of the ground right away. Spacing between each Onion is Approximately 30cm at minimum depth of 10cm.
  • 100 Bulbs
  • Flowering from April through to May
  • Plant bulbs from September to December
  • Protect from frost
  • Prefers a bulb planting compost
  • Planting Depth 15-20cm deep
  • Planting distance between bulbs 13cm
  • Potential height 45cm
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