Allium Sphaerocephallum - 25 Bulbs


Allium Sphaerocephalon or ‘round headed Garlic’ is an amazing egg-shaped flower head that stands tall and proud. Flowering in mid to late summer this can offer a great transition into the autumn when all the summer flowers are finishing their blooms, and the Autumn plants are beginning their display. With perfectly oval shaped flowers that begin at the top with a royal purple head that transitions into a light lime green offering you a wonderful colour pallet. As these flower on one stem these will look simply perfect amongst grasses and other tall plants allowing the flower head to ‘float’ Once flowering has completed simply deadhead and wait until next season to be greeted with more flowers as these will eventually spread but in a clump form so if you don’t want them running away, they are easy to maintain. Plant bulbs from September to December 15-20cm deep and 10cm apart in fertile, well-drained soil.
  • 25 Bulbs
  • Flowering from April through to May
  • Plant bulbs from September to December
  • Protect from frost
  • Prefers a bulb planting compost
  • Planting Depth 15-20cm deep
  • Planting distance between bulbs 13cm
  • Potential height 90cm
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